Thursday, 31 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 31, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo
No one is without troubles, personal hardships and genuine challenges. Nobody, not even the purest heart escapes life without suffering battle scars. But out of woundedness is the realization that human journey is all about learnings and blessings. Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings and opportunities. God has given you an ever-expanding heart, soft but strong. He knows your bearing capacity and will not give you more to bear than you can manage. As you bear, you heal. Which brings you closer to your true self and moves you closer to Him.

Life is a beautiful journey. We travel with memories behind, with dreams up ahead an a brand new self each day. Life is not about triumphs. It's about LEARNING and RISING from the pitfalls. No room for regrets, only hope for what is to come. Never regret yesterday, life is in you today and you make your tomorrow. What is done is done, what is gone is gone. One of life's lessons is always moving on, Getting over a first love, dealing with heartbreak, dealing with death and dealing with life. Keep moving forward and you will live your life happily. Count your morning by sunrise not by sunset. Count your life with smiles not with tears. Look upon life as a gift from God. The more you need Him, the closer He gets to you, and when you fall, He will carry you.

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 116 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 123 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 30, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

Don't sell yourself short. No matter what obstacles come up, see them through and never give up. Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of struggle and drudgery and victory. For blessings God places in your hands are determined by your fortitude and dedication with which you are willing to put in to hang on to your dream. Longer and winding paths are there for you to walk on. In them are valuable lessons of overcoming and getting through. The blood, sweat and tears are what make the toil sweeter and worth it in the end. There simply are no shortcuts in His ways, in His work, in His will.

Every moment is full of options from which your choices create every outcome. Another day is knocking at your door to continue one more page of your life. The new dawn brings you more strength, blessings and better luck. It's never too late to have a life and never too late to change one. Do not delay. There is no short cut in life. Everything beautiful has its moment and then passes away. It's OK to look back and think of fond memories, but keep moving forward and you will live your life happily.

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 117 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 124 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 29, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

However you live your life, don't miss the dawning of each new day. Stay awake and find focus in the moment you are in. For only then can you receive whatever gift, lesson, or delight that moment has to offer. Learn from the spider. It stays focused, spending hours weaving in a circular motion, keeping the silk tight from the inside out. Learn from its tenacity to stay the course to build a strong home. Pay attention and build faith like the spider builds a web. Strong, flexible, yet immovable. Build a strong home of faith in your heart and let God dwell within.

Morning is a wonderful blessing, either stormy or sunny. It stands for hope, giving us another chance and another start of life. Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. Failure doesn't mean you are a failure, it just means you haven't succeeded yet. You have to be able to accept failure to get better. Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong. Never get tired giving your best. In the race towards excellence, there is no finish line and no age limit. Go ahead. Be God's leader of goodness. Chance is always powerful. It favors the prepared mind. Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 118 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 125 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 28, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

Nobody is born fully grown. Like a rude piece of marble, how you carve, square, round, or shape your thought, word, and deed will give you the kind of finished product you want yourself to become. There will be crushing and grinding. There will be pressures. In contending with pressures and difficulties, know that these are not obstacles but are opportunities. These are what God has engineered to develop you into a beautiful piece of art – an excellent impression of His perfection in you.

A beautiful life does not just happen. It is built daily by prayer, humility, sacrifice and love. Appreciate life itself even it is not perfect. Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you wish for, but appreciation of what you have. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life's path. Set your sights high, the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now.

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 119 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 126 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 27, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

Spirituality is not a matter of memorizing scriptures and engaging in philosophical discussions. It is in finding that you’ve grown in humility and selflessness and generosity and compassion. It is a matter of heart culture – of seeing the world full of God. It is in moving from asking Him to take care of the things that are breaking your heart, to praying about the things that are breaking His heart. It is in you as a child communing heart to heart with your Father – a heart that is unencumbered and unworried and submerged in His loving will.

To talk with God, no breath is lost. To walk with God, no strength  is lost. To wait for God, no time is lost. Always trust in God, you won't get lost. A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression of humility. For every dream in our heart, God gives us inspiration, for every hope we seek, God gives us unexpected miracles. For every faith we believe, God blesses us more. We are wrapped in a beautiful truth that we're loved without measure.

Blessed Sunday, everyone.

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 120 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 127 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 26, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo
There will be days of ease and there will be days of struggle. On days when all you see is gloom, learn to weather it out and make the most of the situation. Focus not on the bad that you overlook what beauty surrounds you. Much like the rain that passes and washes away everything, every struggle you go through washes and cleanses you. Be rooted, like a mighty tree that still stands after a storm. For the rain of the storm is what makes you grow stronger to endure the next one. Take comfort in the certainty that God is with you. It is during the storms in your life that He shines through the breach – He cleanses and renews you. No matter how hard it is raining on you, search for Him and you will see the sun. The rainbow will come.

As we sail through life, don't avoid storms and rough waters, just let them pass by. Sail on, because calm seas never make skillful sailors. Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, teardrops and laughter, pleasure and pain. Just remember, there was never a cloud that the sun couldn't shine through. Life is a constant struggle. Without struggling, man cannot succeed. Behind the storms of life, there's a beautiful tomorrow. Never give up when everything fall into pieces. Never even lose hope when everybody turns their back on you. Life isn't about being fair, it's about surpassing the unfair reality. Life continues whatever happens. All we need is to be positive and be brave with all the challenges we encounter. Faith in God is still the best armor. Be prayerful. God loves you.

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 121 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 128 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 25, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

"The ability to influence is a gift, don't waste it. If you want to see change around you, help people change the way they see things through commonalities of the heart so that they would want to change with you. Seek truth humbly without insisting that you hold the only keys to it. Be like a lit candle – usable only when lighted. Be God's beautifully lit candle that burns itself to fulfill its purpose and gives away its life to light the way for others.

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 122 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 129 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 24, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo
"Don’t compare your journey to everyone else’s. Live by your own time; work at your own pace; travel at your own distance. Commit to growing a little bit each day to be the best possible version of yourself. Overlook not God's gifts to you. He loves the way you look, the way you talk, the way you walk. He loves your face, your body, your hair. Change not a thing to imitate another. For He is in love with those things He has given you and He might weep when they are gone."

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 123 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 130 days remaining before 2017 ends. 

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 23, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo
"Be not too busy doing good things that you overlook giving yourself the best things. Be not too busy that you lose the rhythm between action and rest. Be not too busy that you miss the voice of your heart or catch the small miracles that are happening quietly. For when you talk about how busy you are, you are actually trying to claim how important you are. And when you think you are too busy and important, you ignore people whom God brought into your life to become part of the plan He has for you. Then you wedge Him into your daily planner as if He were just another line on the to-do list. And you miss what amazing things He can do for you."

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 124 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 131 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 22, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

Today's Food for Thought

"Events in your life happen in a sequence in time. Their significance will find their own order in a continuous thread of revelation and discoveries throughout your journey. For time is God's fundamental gift to you and all His other gifts are conditioned upon it. He wants you to learn how to handle life in such a way that you can rejoice in any and every circumstance. Though circumstances bring you pain as well as pleasure, it is His choice for you. Rejoice that in the midst of pain there is the possibility of pleasure. He has it all planned out and everything will be beautiful in His time."

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 125 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 132 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Monday, 21 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 21, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

Today's Food for Thought

"To get to where you're headed, be content to take a little step at a time. Missteps, shaky steps, unsteady steps – keep on stepping and regain your footing. Focus on the road ahead and eventually, you'll get there. For God’s plan for your life is one that continuously unfolds. Every time you take one heart-to-heart step towards Him, He takes more steps toward you. And as you look back down the road, those little steps add up and you know you covered some distance. Moment-by-moment and step-by-step, He guides."

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 126 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 133 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 20, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo
"Cultivate a deep sense of gratitude and of groundedness and of enough, even while you're longing for something more. For there is no closer bond than the one that gratefulness celebrates – the bond between Gift-giver and thanks-giver. Everything is a gift and saying 'thank you' is the highest form of thought – a complete prayer. It is saying 'yes' to God; 'yes' to His awesome presence in your life. He knows your deepest wishes and longings and aspirations. Soon, He'll give you the desires of your heart. You just have to trust Him to be faithful to you – not because there is something about you that entitles you – but because He is faithful by nature." Blessed Sunday, everyone.

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 127 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 134 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 19, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone. It's the art of ignoring things; of enjoying your sacred idleness. When killing time is making life. God is honored by your hard work but He knows you need rest from tasks that make you tired, challenges that demand your energy and concerns that cause stress. Abide in rest and know who God is. He is of restraint. And restraint is a gift of letting you refrain from doing everything that you have the power to do. For only when you rest in Him, will you risk for Him."

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 128 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 135 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 18, 2017)

Image courtesy of Paradromo

"Be of boundless hope and optimism with a never-say-die attitude. Have an overload of faith that no matter if every sunset steals one day from your life, every sunrise gives you one another day to live. For it is through your faith that miracles happen. Wherever and whenever they don't happen at once, you have an opportunity to let faith take root in your soul. It is that faith that has the power to work the deepest miracle of all – the one that happens quietly inside your heart. The one that activates God. And to be blown away in awe of His presence is your truest miracle."

** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 129 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 136 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 17, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

"Like the tiny seed that struggles through the dirty soil before it sees light, you will struggle through some dirt first before you grow and bloom into the beauty you have always been. Be a seed – patient and persevering. Don't abandon or neglect what you are doing just because you don't see the fruit of your labor yet. Continue. For in continuing and loving what you are doing, you continue God’s work of forming and filling and subduing. As you draw out your creative potential, you elaborate and unfold and allow His pattern of creating something good for your soul. Have an unwavering faith that your harvest will come."

 ** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 130 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 137 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 16, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

"Everyone is flawed. There will be those who appear to have more flaws and those who have less. What matters is how one chooses to manage his own. How one does it is unknown to everyone else. So judge not what you don't know. You know nothing about someone else's battles; how one manages to smile in the middle of the storms; how one transforms despair into delight; how one overcomes strain and struggle and sorrow. Have a compassionate heart that understands the humanity of the one you presume to judge. Discern Divine will in everyone and in every situation. For even God doesn't propose to judge till man's last days. He simply calls him home."

 ** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 131 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 138 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 15, 2017)

Images courtesy of Praradomo

"You journey on your own, the path completely yours. But to get to where you're headed, you'll come across interlocking paths with closed doors. You never know who holds the key to a door you’ll need to open and get through, so you best treat people as if they are all keyholders. Seek to do at least one good deed today for another.  For as you help someone who is struggling and paining, you become the well-wishing instrument of God's love and the living expression of His kindness. As you help others, you are working on yourself as well. Every gesture of genuine compassion nourishes and opens your heart. An open heart rises closest to God – your Higher Power."

 ** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 132 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 139 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 14, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

"Your self-respect tracks your choices. Every time you act in harmony with your authentic self and your heart, you earn it. And as you begin to treat yourself with more respect, you subconsciously train others to do the same. As you discover your innate worth, you move closer to God. You will always fall short as you try to reach His standard, but in your lifetime if you try your best to make a world where everyone is treated equally with respect, empathy, and compassion, the big payoff is that you will be rewarded with that exact same thing in Heaven."

 ** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 133 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 140 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Today's Food for Thought (August 13, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

"God has such gladness every time He sees from heaven that you are praying to Him with all your heart. For prayer is essentially the expression of your heart longing for love. It is the breathing of your own soul to be united with Him as fully as possible. Only ego presumes that His presence could be reduced to words. The overwhelming peace you feel in your heart as you pray is God letting you know He is there for you. Your heart lets you experience Him." Blessed Sunday, everyone.

 ** oOo **

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 134 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 141 days remaining before 2017 ends.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

MISS MILLENNIAL PHILIPPINES: This is not just an ordinary beauty pageant (Part 2)

NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are from the author itself, and does not necessary reflect those this blog site. 


The conclusion...

Eat Bulaga's Miss Millennial Philippines is a different kind of beauty pageant where 38 candidates will vie for the most coveted title. The said contest aims the candidates to promote and explore the beauty of the Philippines.

On the first part of this blog post which I have posted, we have just talked about the inception and what Miss Millennial Philippines is all about. We also introduced to you the first 19 beautiful candidates on the previous post. However, due to limited space constraints, we are now introducing to you the last 19 hopefuls vying for the most coveted title. You can follow your favourite candidate's social media profile in the captions of their photos below.

Miss Millennial Baguio City, Benguet Arianne Dia Gallotan (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL BAGUIO CITY, BENGUET; Twitter: @mmphbaguio; Instagram: @missmillennialbaguiobenguet)
Miss Millennial La Union Carina Carino (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL LA UNION; Twitter: @mmphlaunion; Instagram: @missmillenniallaunion)
Miss Millennial Tarlac Naoimi Leaño (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL TARLAC; Twitter: @mmphtarlac; Instagram: @missmillennialtarlac)
Miss Millennial Quirino Ladylyn Santos (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL QUIRINO; Twitter: @mmphquirino; Instagram: @missmillennialquirino)
Miss Millennial Isabela Jeanevave Cabauatan (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL ISABELA; Twitter: @mmphisabela; Instagram: @missmillennialisabela)
Miss Millennial Sarangani Carmela Villaruel (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL SARANGANI; Twitter: @mmphsarangani; Instagram: @missmillennialsarangani)
Miss Millennial Leyte Czarmy Alcober (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL LEYTE; Twitter: @mmphleyte; Instagram: @missmillennialleyte)
Miss Millennial Capiz Jaya Pearl Cartujano (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL CAPIZ; Twitter: @mmphcapiz; Instagram: @missmillennialcapiz)
Miss Millennial Caloocan Jenny Rose Ignacio (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL CALOOCAN; Twitter: @mmphcaloocan; Instagram: @missmillennialcaloocan)
Miss Millennial Ilocos Norte Dianne Irish Joy Lacayanga (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL ILOCOS NORTE; Twitter: @mmphilocosnorte; Instagram: @missmillennialilocosnorte)
Miss Millennial Muntinlupa Joannie Olila (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL MUNTINLUPA; Twitter: @mmphmuntinlupa; Instagram: @missmillennialmuntinlupa)
Miss Millennial Malabon Shaira Joy Dizon (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL MALABON; Twitter: @mmphmalabon; Instagram: @missmillennialmalabon)
Miss Millennial Negros Occidental Angelica Esther Portugaleza (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL NEGROS OCCIDENTAL; Twitter: @mmphnegocc; Instagram: @missmillennialnegrosoccidental)
Miss Millennial Antique Tarilaye John Beke (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL ANTIQUE; Twitter: @mmphantique; Instagram: @missmillennialantique)
Miss Millennial Mandaluyong Daniella Lamptey (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL MANDALUYONG; Twitter: @mmphmandaluyong; Instagram: @missmillennialmandaluyong)
Miss Millennial Aklan Eleonora Valentina Laorenza (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL AKLAN; Twitter: @mmphaklan; Instagram: @missmillennialaklan)
Miss Millennial Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Sarah Elizabeth Madrigal (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL LAPU-LAPU CITY, CEBU; Twitter: @mmphccebu; Instagram: @missmillenniallapulapucebu)
Miss Millennial Nueva Ecija Chrischelle Maranon (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL NUEVA ECIJA; Twitter: @mmphnuevaecija; Instagram: @missmillennialnuevaecija)
Miss Millennial Bataan Patriz Anne Dabu (FB: MISS MILLENNIAL BATAAN; Twitter: @mmphbataan; Instagram: @missmillennialbataan)

So there you have it guys, on the next succeeding episodes of Eat Bulaga during the Miss Millennial Philippines segment, let's get to know more about your favourite candidates as they showcase the rich culture, tourist attractions, the gastronomic stuff, and history about their represented provinces or cities.

One of these 38 contestants will emerge at the end of the competition as the new Miss Millennial Philippines, wherein she will take home the most coveted title, Php 500,000, a Bria Homes Condo Unit, and the new 2017 Mitsubishi Montero Sport. Aside from that, one of these contestants who will be declared as the BAYANIHAN QUEEN will be Php 100,000 richer. In addition, the chosen project in her province or city will receive Php 1,000,000 cash support.

The Miss Millennial Philippines 2017 is one of the segments of Eat Bulaga, which airs Mondays to Fridays from 12:00 nn to 2:30 pm, and every Saturdays from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm on GMA Network (Channel 7 on Metro Manila and Cebu VHF TV, Channel 5 on Davao VHF TV, Channel 12 on Sky Cable, Destiny Cable, Cable Link, Cignal Channel 7, SkyDirect Channel 7, and other GMA affiliated stations and other cable providers nationwide), and also broadcast via GMA Pinoy TV worldwide. For more updates about Miss Millennial Philippines, you can also like Eat Bulaga's social media spaces:


Until my next blog post,

Cheers! :)

Miss Millennial PH Title Card courtesy of Eat Bulaga Facebook page.