Monday, 31 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 31, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

"A flower needs nothing to remind it when it's time for it to bloom; it has been preparing for it all of its life. In much the same way, look ahead to what awaits you. God has something planned for you. At times when He seems silent, when your dreams and visions for the future seem lifeless, rest assured He builds you up from the inside. He strengthens your inner character to make you withstand storms that will come during your times of growth and harvest. Many things you don't see and feel happen inside you. Be steadfast and ready to handle the future God has for you."

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 30, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

"Praise the beauty of smallness – from it you grow. When you are faithful in minding small things and you put more love in doing small good deeds, you create bigness in yourself. Affirm life by being grateful of each small moment as it is given to you. Feel great in your smallness. For God is in love with the smallness of you. He is in love with you when you spend moments of sweet small talks with Him. And He makes you big in your smallness every time you lift your heart to Him, no matter the circumstances." Blessed Sunday, everyone.

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 29, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"Thrive and come alive  – alone.  Learn to embrace your solo journey and like it.  For there is nothing more freeing and empowering than learning to like your own company.  For only when you are alone will you realize that a very fragile and delicate quality of consciousness is birthing within.  Alone, you have a peaceful and joyful encounter with self.  Alone, you can feel God's breeze pass through you, unhindered.  To be with Him, is simply to be alone."

Friday, 28 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 28, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

"Every good worth you possess must be paid for in strokes of daily effort. You grow and learn when you push a little harder, dig a little deeper, reach a little farther, run a little faster. Be undaunted. Shape failure into determination, humiliation into humility, never forgetting that there is beauty in striving to do and experience and learn. Have an attitude that seeks and pleases God. He created you to live your life in a way that makes Him look more like the greatness and the beauty and the infinite worth that He really is. He is in you – be worthy for Him."

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 27, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo
"Problems call forth courage and wisdom. It is in confronting and resolving them that you learn. It is in befriending life's woes that you develop your latent force within. Aim to live with joy, however adverse the circumstances obtaining in your life. For in joyfulness you shall gauge the condition of your soul – you shall feel God dwelling in your heart. Only when you feel Him in your heart and understand His importance can you understand the significance of joy in your life."

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 26, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo
"Nothing that happens in your life is good or bad in itself. Everything is all about your attitude and your deep sense of remembering lessons of letting go and starting over and moving on. There are no little and big things. The littlest thing may be a stepping stone to the biggest and most important. All you need is a willing heart that draws out your willpower as you draw out your breath. As you breathe, you live, you will. For nothing is easy if you are unwilling. And to be willing, you must stand in the center of God's will, not above His will. Anything that is not of His will is a burden that separates you from Him."

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 25, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradomo

"Life is going to give you just what you put into it.  Never be fainthearted.  Troubles and worries, so many of them will block your way.  Turn these roadblocks into stepping stones that will unlock the door to your full potential and personal excellence.  Don't give up too early and don't assume you'll fail.  Have courage for the big troubles in life and patience for the small.  Troubles and worries are tools by which God fashions you for better things.  He sees your determination.  When you put your trust in Him and do everything you can, that’s when He will step in and do what you can’t."

Monday, 24 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 24, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"If you risk nothing and do nothing, you'll have nothing and will be nothing. Take chances. Go and explore and discover. Don't be defined by the hitches and missteps that may attach to them. Don't look for reasons, there is none. Just opportunities for you to change, to learn, to grow. Have faith knowing that God is at the helm of everything. He controls. And anything under His control is never out of control."

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 23, 2017)

"You don't get everything all at once.  Sometimes, it's a yes.  Sometimes, it's a no.  Most often, you wait.  God loves you beyond your capacity to understand.  He sees the end from the beginning and wants only the best for you.  When answers don’t seem to come, it can be that you don’t understand some truths about what you pray for, or because you don’t recognize answers when they come.  Doubt not – He answers.  He answers yes, to give you confidence; He answers no, to prevent error; He delays to try your faith and exercise your patience.  No matter and however, He will not fail you.  Keep praying in faith.  You will have it – in His time."  Blessed Sunday, everyone.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 22, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo
"You are on process here on Earth. When you cast aside negativity and choose not to add to anyone's sense of heaviness, you are allowing this process to take place. When you look for opportunities to be a blessing to others, you not only send out thoughts of joy and delight that brighten people's hearts. You most of all, show God's kindness. As you let active kindness flow out, His kindness and faithfulness and mercy flow in. And when you see others as God sees them, others will see Him in you more clearly."

Friday, 21 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 21, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"Occasionally, without warning, comes a tidal wave of unmerited suffering, of broken heart and shattered dreams.  When you have to kind of die inside in order to be born again.  For birthing is never easy or without pain. But no matter the contraction, no matter the darkness, joy follows pain.  Hope and delight in new beginnings.  Know that what God has spoken into your situation, He is redeeming through you.  Allow Him to create a new heart in you.  For what was broken will be fixed – if you let it be so."

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 20, 2017)

"In the game of baseball, only when you strike out a lot can you finally get that home run.  So it is in the game of life.  At some points, you will be wrong, you will commit mistakes, you will violate your identity.  Learn to forgive yourself.  It’s not a problem to make them.  It’s only a problem if you never learn from them.  God does not look upon the mistakes and wrongs you do.  Where you see failure, He sees learning and building up.  He uses those wrongs to allow you opportunities to know what is right.  He uses those mistakes to produce growth in you.  For what does not grow is dead.  Live life.  Be worthy in His eyes; be safe in His presence."

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 19, 2017)

Images courtesy of Praradromo
"Keeping score of old scores and getting even always make you less than you are. Forgive.  It is something you do for yourself. It is saying 'thank you' for all the experiences that came your way. It is conquering what trapped you in the past – because you are worthy of your future.  When you forgive, you bring compassion and understanding not only to the person who wronged you; you bring it upon yourself.  You reclaim and value yourself more.  For as you forgive, you love. And as you love, God’s light shines upon you.  In His eyes love is always present; in His heart forgiveness is always there; in His embrace no one is ever alone."

--- oOo ---

In other topics, I have decided to rename this blog due to low reader turn out since it was launched probably a month ago when I tried my third attempt at blogging. I am now using the new URL address starting today to let my readers know about what's going on in about me and the rest of the world through a wide range of topics for every blog reader. What is the meaning of this new name? I AM THE INVICTUS means "I am the UNDEFEATED in Latin." I hope you enjoyed reading my posts here in this blog. Be sure to follow also @JebiTdelaCruz and @neenjitsu20 on Twitter.

Till my next blog post,

Cheers! 

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 18, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"Day by day, what you think and what you do is what you choose and who you become.  Moment by moment, a decision—crossroads where you choose to move on  and change direction, or cling to what you already have and be stagnant.  Nothing and no one can fix things for you.  That leaves you no choice but to take responsibility for your life.  Pray for wisdom that you may see clearly the direction you must go.  Pray for courage in order not to bend God’s will to your own, but to place your will in His hands."

Monday, 17 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 17, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"All wonders you seek are within yourself.  Your happiness is the consequence of your personal effort, not other people's approbation. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it.  Participate relentlessly in the manifestation of everything good and beautiful around you.  When you don't fail to see goodness and beauty within, you'll see the exact goodness and beauty without.  For once you start seeing the beautiful, ugliness disappears.  Once you start looking at life with joy, sadness disappears.  You are a child of God, He has implanted a seed of good and beautiful in your soul."

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 16, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"Storms come.  They will pass.  So with problems and trials.  It may all be darkness and gloom now but don't forget that behind the thick clouds, the sun still shines.  Trust God's foreseeing eye for He knows where storms lurk and where cyclones hide.  He has prepared you for the rough weather and He knows how you will bear through.  He appoints the weight and number of storms that will come to you.  If He wills you bear a certain weight, no one can add an ounce more.  That storms come from Him is proof enough He is with you.  Be calm – you'll come out of the storm no longer the same person who walked in."  Blessed Sunday, everyone.

Follow @JebiTdelaCruz and @neenjitsu20 on Twitter.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 15, 2017)

"Throughout life's journey from one milepost to the next, one collects and accumulates all kinds of things.  Often these material things can weigh down, preventing one from moving on in life. Be not trapped in non-essentials — in looking good, competing and winning, gathering power and wealth — when simply being alive is the gift beyond measure.  For anything in you is not your own; it is a gift from God. And because it is a gift from God, it is entirely what you owe in the mind; what you cherish in the heart — to experience, to appreciate and to love each moment for what it’s worth."

Follow @JebiTdelaCruz and @neenjitsu20 on Twitter.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 14, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"How words are sometimes regarded as hindrance to thought.  How to not say a thing would lead to misconception and confusion.  Find authenticity in plain sight by giving your feelings their proper names, by openly expressing them with the correct words.  For if words be not correct , language is not in accordance with its truth.  Don't bottle up.  Feelings withheld and words unspoken bubble up till they burst into nothingness, their real meanings gone.  Yes, words may cut deep, they may cause pain.  But if you speak honest words with the love and kindness of God behind them, truth can heal."

Follow @JebiTdelaCruz and @neenjitsu20 on Twitter.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 13, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"You are goodness and beauty and love.  Let not your small ego cover all these.  Let not your ego deny your experience of being here, fully being where you are to live in the light.  For when you willingly open up to the bigness of life and all that comes, your smallness disappears.  When you understand who you really are, all that is left is unconditional appreciation of self.  Attempt not to approach God with your thinking mind and allow your small ego to intellectualize the bigness of life.  Lest you forget who He is – He is God.  And no matter how you play up big, you will always fall short of His glory."

Follow our Twitter profiles: @JebiTdelaCruz  and @neenjitsu20 (Official Twitter account of this blog). 

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Neenjitsu Blog welcomes @neenjitsu20, the official Twitter space - in 100 words (exactly!)

Neenjitsu Blog has an official Twitter account (finally!)
INSTANT COMMUNICATION. This seems to be a space to share your thoughts and ideas.

Twitter continues to evolve seemingly into an instant communication tool which anyone could express ideas in the form of tweets.

Twitter continues to evolve seemingly into an instant communication tool which anyone could express ideas in the form of tweets - 140 characters (or even less, including trending topics, hashtags, etc.).

Speaking of Twitter, I would like to inform the readers of this site that we have a Twitter account (I just created it a few minutes ago!) designed just to share my thoughts and ideas written in this blog I posted everyday (even my controversial and random stuff, too!)

Follow me at this site: @neenjitsu20.

Today's Food for Thought (July 12, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"In your instinctive attachment and fear of change and wish for certainty, you may undercut impermanence which is your greatest strength and most fundamental identity.  In impermanence is decay.  For nothing lasts.  Everything perishes and changes as quickly as it appears.  Just like an autumn leaf that exudes beauty as it falls, decay is the ripening and swelling of new life within.  A change that is just as wonderful and rich an expression as growth.  Be not disheartened when and should things around you decay.  For no matter and however, God remains.  He is Light that comes through in the midst of decay."

Follow me on Twitter @JebiTdelaCruz 

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 11, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

Life befuddles.  One moment, you stand on the threshold of capturing your dream, the next moment you are free-falling backward into nothingness.  The sudden freeze – torn between the facts as you know them and the solution you cannot find.  Be not afraid to be confused.  Conscious confusion is a gift – for you to stay open, so open even if it hurts, and then open up some more, until you return to self.  Until you intimately return to God.  He turns you from one feeling to another and takes you through a way that you temporarily do not understand.  And it is by going through the confusion that you will stand by faith and reduced to the point where faith in Him is all you have.  And faith in Him is all you'll need."

Follow me on Twitter: @JebiTdelaCruz 

Monday, 10 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 10, 2017)

Everything that you see is a reflection of you. (Image courtesy of Praradromo)

"You only see that which you carry in your heart.  What you see is how others see you.  When you love, love comes back to you; when you hate, hatred comes back to you.  You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.  Be your own looking-glass.  Reflect goodness and beauty and compassion.  When you perceive the world is kind, God reflects His image in you.  When you take a look in the mirror of His love, you will see how blessed you are."

Follow me on Twitter: @JebiTdelaCruz 

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 9, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"What would friendship be if you don't give time and attention to your friend?  And how can you be best friend to God, if you don't slow down and make your best time for Him?  How can you call Him 'bestie' if you don't trust Him?  It is completely trusting that He'll turn everything beautiful for you no matter the messy situation.  However the pain, lay your heart open and share your pain with Him (because He already knows) and seek healing.  Know Him intimately to experience His love.  No fancy words, talk to Him authentically and ask Him, 'God, is there anything You want to say to me?'  Listen.  When you are in touch with Him, you can live in His peace and walk in peace with others."

Have a blessed Sunday, everyone!

You can follow me on Twitter at @JebiTdelaCruz 

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 8, 2017)

"Embrace that you have weakness. Because everyone does. Embrace that your body is not perfect. Because nobody is. Embrace that you have things you can’t control. We all have a list of them. Know that nobody is really an expert, as we are all still learning. But be thankful for people who go out of their way to help you grow beautiful as God meant you to be. For sometimes, you miss to see your own beauty or perceive a sense of your own worth until it has been reflected back to you in the mirror of another human being."

Friday, 7 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 7, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo
"Much as you would want to make people around you happy and comfortable and at ease, you will realize you cannot do this at the expense of making yourself unhappy, uncomfortable and uneasy. People will be unhappy whether it be with you or others and there is nothing you can do about it. Live not to please people but God. When you increase your desire to please Him and seek His approval, you will decrease your desire to seek approval from people."

Follow me on Twitter: @JebiTdelaCruz

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 6, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"Dare not convince yourself that your truth is the only right. Live in the humility of a beginner's mind. The mind that is open to learn new ideas and willing to understand other people's beliefs and practices without necessarily sharing or accepting them. For being open is to take the simple and complex wonders of life – wounds and pleasures, poverty and bounty, darkness and light. Being open is an activity of mindfulness that is of and by God. He wants you to be open to life – to enjoy its simplicity and to comprehend its complexity."

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 5, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"Listening is a primitive act of love, in which a person gives self to the word of another, making self accessible and vulnerable to that word. It creates a sanctuary for the homeless part of someone who needs to be heard. For the time to listen is the time when your interest and love are vital to the one who seeks your ear, your heart, your help, and your empathy. If you're really listening, you will know how to isolate the voice of God within from the voice of the ego. The voice of God within is where all the answers lie."

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 4, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"There is no shame in not knowing. The shame lies in not asking. For to aim to know is a mindful experience that makes you grow . Learn a little each day to understand more each day. When you thought you really understand what life is all about and gained knowledge to help you grasp its meaning, you realize there is so much more to learn and so much more to understand. You realize you are simply an ordinary man seeking more knowledge, seeking more understanding. Grow in knowledge of God – He is at the heart of true understanding. And until you grow in and with Him, you will remain ignorant of many things."

Monday, 3 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 3, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"Whatever you think about, you bring about. By choosing your thoughts, you determine the quality of your Light. Let not junk thoughts dwell in your mind. Fall in love with your thoughts to find beauty and pleasantness and goodness all around you . Let them carry you down the same path your soul is directing you. Have a great mind – think only that which can be written legibly in your heart. Think in harmony with God. For as waves relentlessly seek the shore, good thoughts continually return to God like one perfect prayer."

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 2, 2017)

Image courtesy of Praradromo

"Heartbreak and sorrow are schools unto themselves. How you endure them teaches lessons of stretching or shrinking; lessons of faith and obedience, or lack of them. God does not allow you to suffer out of antipathy or indifference. He lets you suffer because He loves you. How long and how much – only He knows. Yield. For if you yield, He will not permit you to suffer one minute too long. If you rebel, He may have to reset the clock. Learn. Trust. It is when you accept life unquestioningly that He takes you out of the furnace and transforms your heartbreak into a source of good and joy and beauty and light. Perfect order strikes on time – His clock is never early nor late.” 

Have a blessed Sunday, everyone!

Follow me on Twitter: @JebiTdelaCruz 

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Today's Food for Thought (July 1, 2017)

Photo courtesy of Praradromo

"It's tough to enjoy life when you don't like yourself. Tougher still, when you waste your time comparing yourself to others. Learn to accept yourself so you'll be at ease accepting and getting along with others. Excel at doing what your passion is and focus on perfecting it. Love your own progress and praise others on theirs. Be your own loyal friend. For if you are not, how are you to look for loyalty from others? When you walk with your heart towards your authentic self, you are walking away from ego and into God. And to be into Him is doing something nice for the one you love – YOU."