Sunday, 1 October 2017

Today's Food for Thought (October 1, 2017)

Sometimes God tests you over and over because you failed the previous times and He wants you to pass.
God's love is not a love that exempts you from trial, but a love that always sees you through trials. He pushes you to the brink to challenge your faith. He brings you storms to make you bear through more rough weathers ahead. He surrounds you with conflict to make you overcome. When He closes a door, He does not always open a window. Sometimes He wants you to sit in the quiet darkness while He transforms your fear into trust. These tests are unannounced, they just come. He tests you to see if you are actually learning and advancing and growing. He tests you so He can show His capacity to provide and love and bless you.

God is good. For beyond the darkness, He gives you light. Beyond our nightmares, He gives us dreams. Beyond our tears, He gives us comfort. God is truly wise. He made sadness so we would know joy; pain so we could have pleasure; hate so we can love; and morning after night so we can face a new day with hope. When we walk with God daily, we need not be afraid. He is our shield, our protector, our Guide. He is our strength and comfort. God allows life to be rocky, not to let the rocks grind into dust but to polish us to become a brilliant GEM.

Blessed Sunday, everyone!


CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: We only have 85 days to go before Christmas 2017 and 92 days remaining before 2017 ends. 

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